A Climate Control Solution to Improve your Environmental Footprint

The reality renovation program ‘The Block’ has developed many ideas for viewers to take on board when designing or renovating their homes.

For us, one key feature we have loved seeing this season is the underfloor Hydronic Heating/Cooling system. This was used by Scotty Cam as a climate control solution in the extension of his property.

Hydronic Heating/Cooling uses water that is pumped through a pipe system. For heating, warm water runs through the pipes and radiates heats throughout the space, then to be returned to a boiler and re-pumped. Cooling works opposite to this, in which cool water is pumped through as a mode for heat exchange.

So, what are the benefits of Hydronic Heating?

Environmentally Friendly: Reduced greenhouse gas emissions compared to other forms of heating.

Water carries more energy than air. Therefore, this decreases emissions, improving your environmental footprint and helping you to become more environmentally friendly in your daily living.

Cost-Friendly: 35% cheaper to run than ducted heating.

Hydronic heating allows for zone control meaning you can choose the spaces you wish to heat/cool, making it more energy efficient, hence saving on running costs.

Safety Aspect: Hydronic Heating as a zero-fire hazard solution.

There are no open flames, electrical connections or fan forced elements. The main operating features are sealed and enclosed, meaning there is a zero-fire hazard experience.

Zero Allegan: Doesn’t rely on air force, reducing effects that allergy and asthma sufferers face.

Unlike ducted heating which pumps air throughout the house that can carry dust particles and dirt, hydronic heating is completely sealed and uses water. Therefore, reducing effects for those with respiratory issues.

The Block uses Hunt Heat as their main supplier for all Hydronic Heating needs. For more information in regards to this climate control solution head to https://www.huntheat.com.au/

If building a property and features like this spark your interest please contact our friendly team. They would love to assist in helping you on your build journey!

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