delay in settlement

Top causes of delays in settlements and how you can avoid them!

Delays in settlement can be a frustrating and costly experience for everyone involved in a transaction. Whether you’re a buyer, seller, or real estate agent, delayed settlements can cause significant inconvenience, loss of income, and even legal issues. In this blog post, we will discuss some of the top causes of settlement delays and how you can avoid them.

  1. Finance Approval Delays. One of the most common causes of settlement delays is finance approval delays. This occurs when the buyer is unable to obtain finance approval from their lender in a timely manner. This can be due to a variety of reasons, such as missing documentation or an unexpected change in the buyer’s financial circumstances. To avoid this, buyers should ensure they have all the necessary documentation ready and in order before applying for finance. Additionally, they should maintain open communication with their lender throughout the process.
  2. Title Issues. Title issues can also cause settlement delays. These can include disputes over property boundaries, unpaid taxes or liens, or errors in the title documentation. It’s important for both buyers and sellers to conduct a thorough title search before entering into a transaction. This can help identify any potential issues early on and allow time for them to be resolved.
  3. Property Inspection Issues. Issues arising from property inspections can also cause settlement delays. This can include the discovery of hidden defects, repairs that need to be made, or discrepancies in the property’s documentation. To avoid this, buyers should conduct a thorough property inspection and ensure they understand any issues that arise. Sellers should also be transparent about the condition of the property and provide accurate documentation.
  4. Late Contract Exchange. Late contract exchange is another common cause of settlement delays. This can occur when the contract is not exchanged in a timely manner, which can lead to a delay in the settlement date. To avoid this, it’s important to ensure that all parties are aware of the timeline for contract exchange and to keep communication lines open throughout the process.
  5. Delays in Pre-Settlement. Inspection Finally, delays in pre-settlement inspections can also cause settlement delays. This can occur when the property is not ready for inspection or there are issues that need to be resolved before settlement can occur. To avoid this, buyers should schedule the pre-settlement inspection in advance and ensure the property is ready for inspection on the agreed date.


In conclusion, settlement delays can be frustrating and costly for everyone involved in a property transaction. By understanding the top causes of settlement delays and taking proactive steps to avoid them, you can help ensure a smooth and timely settlement process. Whether you’re a buyer, seller, or real estate agent, keeping communication lines open and being proactive can help minimize the risk of settlement delays.