house and land package

What to look for in a House and Land Package

If you’re in the market for a new home, a house and land package can be an attractive option. A house and land package is a popular option for homebuyers, as it combines the purchase of a new home and the land it sits on into one deal. Here are some things to consider when looking for a house and land package.


  1. Location: The location of your new home is crucial, so be sure to consider the neighbourhood, school zone, access to public transport and nearby amenities like shops, parks and cafes.
  2. Lot size: Consider the size of the lot that comes with the house and land package. A larger lot may be more appealing if you have a large family or enjoy spending time outdoors.
  3. Home design and features: Consider the design of the home and the features that come with it. Does the home have enough bedrooms and bathrooms for your family? Does it have a modern kitchen with high-end appliances? Is there a backyard or outdoor living space?
  4. Builder reputation: It’s essential to research the builder’s reputation before making a purchase. Look for reviews from past customers, check their rating with the Better Business Bureau and ask for references.
  5. Inclusions and Upgrades: Be sure to check the inclusions and upgrades that come with the house and land package. Some builders may offer upgrades for an additional fee, so be sure to ask for a detailed list of what’s included in the package.
  6. Warranty and Guarantee: Look for a builder that offers a warranty and guarantee on their work. A good builder will stand behind their work and be willing to fix any issues that may arise.


With careful consideration of these factors, you can find the perfect house and land package to suit your needs and budget. Get in contact with our build consultants today, who can walk you through the entire process and go into great depth covering all of the above!